Aquatic Sentinel

Aquatic Sentinel is an innovative project that aims to revolutionize water quality monitoring in diverse aquatic environments. The project centers on an innovative device shaped like a fish, which serves as a comprehensive water testing tool.

The primary goal of Aquatic Sentinel is to provide an accessible and efficient solution for evaluating water health and safety. The device is equipped with advanced sensors and cameras that collect vital data and images related to key water parameters. To conduct tests, the device is submerged to capture high-resolution images while simultaneously gathering water samples. These are processed internally using cutting-edge technology to analyze factors like pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and other relevant indicators.

A key feature is Aquatic Sentinel's ability to connect to nearby Wi-Fi networks. Once analysis is complete, the device can seamlessly upload results to the closest network. This enables real-time monitoring and rapid data sharing, allowing for prompt action when water quality issues arise. Aquatic Sentinel can benefit various groups, including environmental agencies, researchers, water authorities, and concerned community members. The extensive data and insights from the device can inform decision-making, conservation efforts, and pollution management strategies. Aquatic Sentinel provides an innovative, accessible and comprehensive solution for water quality monitoring to protect aquatic ecosystems and public health.

AO Ding

July 27, 2023

ARCH 6110 Computational Thinking as Design Process (2023SU)
ARCH 6110 Computational Thinking as Design Process (2023SU)

Fleet Hower

Project Location
Manhattan, New York

Aquatic Sentinel is an innovative fish-shaped device equipped with sensors and cameras to monitor key water quality parameters in real-time. As described, it has the potential to revolutionize water testing through its portability, connectivity, and comprehensive analytics capabilities.