Manhattan Patrol Drones

The drone patrol system is designed to respond to high shooting rate in Manhattan. It is particularly aimed to ensure the safety around important public areas such as public schools and subway stations. The drone route starts at the center of each NYPD precinct and travels in two ways. Route A links the historic shooting incident points and Route B patrol around the public attractors.

NYC Crime&School Map

This map shows the distribution of public schools and shooting accidents happened in NYC during the last four years. Areas like Bronx and Harlem seem much more important than the FiDi in Manhattan. Unfortunately, a lot of public schools are also located there.

Drone Catalogue

The transformation of the drone units is based on three fundamental parts which are the capsule carrier, the healing spray launcher and the power unit to respond to different situations during patrol.

Zoom-in map

The patrol drones both patrol through the spots where people have seen shooting happening in the past 4 years, which are those dashed lines on this map, and also around the subway stations and the public schools, which are the curved lines here. When they travel near these areas, they will slow down programmatically to be ready for potential emergencies. All the drones are managed according to the precincts they belong to.

Patrol Drone Unit

The drone unit prototype is basically for two main ideas. First stop shooting and second healing injured people. The spray and powder contained in the capsules are supposed to be useful to block the view of criminals and at the same time prevent the wounded from continuing to bleed. The component of the bottom part will provide enough energy for the patrol routine.